Thrush is a bacterial infection of the frog. It will begin to eat in the middle of the frog, deep into the sensitive frog. When it gets deep enough it will reach blood and nerves – this is when your horse goes lame. It can also eat up the sides of the frog getting to the sensitive tissue as well. Constant hoof cleaning and inspection is required to keep good health hooves.
The above picture is of a good health frog. Notice how full it looks, one piece. In the middle back part is the cleft. This will normally be just a little lower than the outer edges, sometimes it can be the same as the outer edges. This will be full and complete up into the bulbs of the hoof.
Above we have a good example of thrush which had began to eat up into the middle of the frog. Notice how in this picture the frog looks like it is in two parts – it is. Thrush has eaten down the middle of the frog. If not treated your horse can become lame and may require services from your vet. Good care and constant cleaning of this area can prevent this problem. If your horse's hooves look like the above hoof, you better get a good hoof care program started now, because it won't be long before you are calling because your horse is lame!!
Thrush can also eat up the sides of the frog causing great pain as it reaches the sensitive part of the frog.
The first step in treating thrush is clean up. The easiest way to clean it out is applying hydrogen peroxide (3%) to the area. Use a small flask as it is easier to get it down into the bottom of the frog. You will notice the foam come – let it work for about 15 – 20 seconds or so. The foaming action will loosen the packed in dirt, bacteria, manure and stuff. After it has worked a bit, then clean it out by using a small round file (one like to sharpen a chainsaw chain with) with cotton wrapped around it. Change the cotton and repeat the procedure as many times as it takes to clean the crack out.
Steel brush, small round file, file with cotton rolled on, flask with hydrogen proxide, bottle of Thrush Buster and cotton
Once it is cleaned then apply a good solution such as Thrush Buster ™ or some similar solution to kill the bacteria and dry it out. After application then pack the area with cotton. This will keep the area clean and free from manure, dirt and what ever the horse is stepping in. It is important to change the cotton packing a minimum of 3 times a week. In real bad cases it may be necessary every day.
Next you need to maintain a CLEAN DRY box for the horse. If you don’t clean it out daily, you will invite more and more bacteria to live in the area. Wet dirty boxes are a big cause of thrush.
The worst thing is to stop treatment before thrush is gone. How do you know when it is gone - look at the first picture. Once the frog is back to looking one piece again, then the worst is over. It takes a long time for a new frog to grow out. If you stop before it is completely gone, it will return.
Preventive measure should be applied before you have a problem. Clean and inspect the sole of your horse daily. Not just with a hoof pick, but use a steel brush to get all the dirt and grit out. After cleaning it, squirt some hydrogen peroxide around the bottom of the hoof. Hold it for 15 – 20 seconds or so – letting the foaming action work. Then scrub all the bottom of the hoof with a steel brush. After cleaning the hoof, take a piece of cotton, dip it in iodine and coat the bottom of the hoof. This does two things – it helps to disinfect the area and also helps to harden the sole area. If you don’t have a problem with thrush and you clean the area this way, you will not have a problem!!
If you have any swelling of the leg, prolong lameness contact your vet as this can become a very serious situation. Remember when using any type of cleaning solutions, protect your eyes from said solution getting flicked into your eyes.
Remember horses cost two things – TIME and MONEY!! Many times I have seen people who don’t have enough time – they got to get out with their friends, get something to eat or whatever excuse they have. They can clean the horse’s hooves tomorrow – except tomorrow may not come, they forget. I can do the best work possible, but unless you the owner don’t take the time to care for your horse, my work means nothing.